VSNC is now Accepting Workshop Proposals
Posted February 19, 2019 at 5:21 PM, Filed Under: Featured, Press ReleasesFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
February 14, 2019
The Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference Planning Committee is now accepting 90-minute workshop proposals for presentation at the 20th Annual Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference scheduled for September 13-14, 2019 at the Hotel Roanoke in Roanoke, VA. Workshop proposals are being accepted for adult and Youth Café workshops (for attendees 13-18 years old).
The theme for this year’s conference is:
20 YEARS Empowering Neighborhoods To Make A Difference!
Proposals should focus on the conference theme and be submitted using the following format:
Workshop Title: Please suggest a concise, attention getting title for your workshop.
Description: Please write a short description of your workshop for use in the program booklet with no more than 150 words in length. What is your workshop’s main goal?
Goals, Objectives and Expected Outcome: Please explain the goals, objectives and outcomes of the proposed workshop (no more than 400 words).
Session Format: Debate, panel discussion, lecture, etc. Include the target audience and an estimation of the number of attendees of the proposed workshop.
- Name:
- Organization/Affiliation:
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
- Presenter’s Biography:
Please inform VSNC, Inc. Workshop Co-chair if there is a facilitator change prior to presenting at the conference.
Technology: Presenters are responsible for bringing all electronic equipment (laptop, projector, extension cords) needed for their workshop. AV screens and carts will be available in all workshop rooms. Note: Because many of our conference attendees do not have computers, handouts are necessary. Please come prepared to provide copies of your presentation and/or handouts to your workshop attendees. VSNC, Inc. will provide you with the number of handouts needed as workshop attendance counts are finalized. Please contact us if you need assistance with the preparation of your copies.
Workshop Evaluation: Workshop attendees will be provided with an opportunity to evaluate the workshops they attend. Would you like to receive comments on your conference workshop from attendees? Yes/No
Have you presented at the VSNC, Inc. annual conference before? Yes/No______ If yes, what year? ________
All workshop submissions are due by 5:00 pm on April 30th, 2019. Incomplete proposals will not be accepted. Selected presentations are notified via email in May with time and day of presentation. Workshop presenters are responsible for registration and lodging costs if attending the conference.
Please submit all proposals to Betsy Doud, VSNC, Inc. Workshop Co-chair by email to Betsydoud@gmail.com
For additional information regarding the annual Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference, please visit the conference website at www.vsnc.org.