Archives for July 2016
Deadline for Nominations Extended
Posted July 29, 2016 at 2:52 PMThe Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference, Inc. (VSNC, Inc.) Planning Committee is pleased to announce the deadline for submitting nominations for the 2016 Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference Award Program has been extended until Friday, August 5th, 2016.
The Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Awards Program recognizes the accomplishments of outstanding neighborhood organizations and civic individuals from across the Commonwealth who tirelessly volunteer their time and energy into making their neighborhoods places they are proud to call home. These awards have been presented since 2000 as a collective “thank you” to the nominated neighborhood organizations and individuals, and are the only statewide neighborhood awards given to recognize those undertaking neighborhood self-help initiatives.
The following four (4) NEIGHBORHOOD AWARD categories are available for entries:
- Project of the Year
- Advocate of the Year
- Youth Individual effort of the Year
- Youth Group Effort of the Year
To be considered, nominees must mail/postmark their completed application by the August 5, 2016 deadline. Eligibility requirements and application guidelines are available on our website at
To learn more about the 2016 Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference being held in Arlington, Virginia, on September 30 - October 1, 2016 please write Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference, Inc., P.O. Box 6303, Roanoke, Virginia 24017, call (540) 342-2763, email, or visit our website at
Registration is now OPEN for 2016 Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference Attendees
Posted July 11, 2016 at 6:41 PMThe Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference Planning Committee is proud to announce registration is open for the 17th annual 2016 Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference taking place in Arlington, VA on September 29-Oct 1, 2016. This year’s conference will provide attendees with informative workshops, engaging keynote speakers, neighborhood pride mobile workshops, annual statewide neighborhood awards, networking receptions, exhibitions, and a component specifically designed for youth ages 13-18 years to help engage them in their communities called the Youth Café.
Registration Fee:
The cost for attending the one-and-a-half day conference is $75. The registration fee includes all conference activities including workshops, meals, receptions and related events.
Prior to submitting your registration, please read all instructions carefully to ensure your choice selections are documented correctly.
Registration is non-refundable and payment must accompany registration. If registering by mail, your registration form must be postmarked by September 5, 2016 and accompanied by a check made out to VSNC, Inc.
Registration by Mail:
Below is the 2016 VSNC Registration Form that can be completed and printed or downloaded and printed, completed, then mailed with your check made payable to VSNC, Inc. to cover the conference registration fee.
Please write legibly and make certain you have indicated all of your workshop choices along with the other conference meals, events and activities you plan on attending.
Online Registration:
REGISTER ONLINE TODAY for the 2016 Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference.
Please note online registration includes an option to pay the conference registration fee online as well. However, conference payments made online will incur a small convenience fee to offset the fee charged to VSNC, Inc. by the online service company.
Registration Deadline:
All registrations must be submitted or postmarked by September 5, 2016 after which conference registration will be closed.
On-site Registration During Conference Dates:
NO registrations will be accepted on site during the conference dates or after the September 5, 2016 registration deadline.